Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sewer Work on 15th Avenue

The Contractor will begin installing the new sewer force main on 15th Avenue this week. Expect a small crew with some heavy equipment beginning at the end of 15th Avenue and moving towards East Cliff Drive. There will be one lane open to traffic at all times.

At the end of 15th Avenue, there will be cones set up around the work zone in the east lane. The west lane will be open to traffic. We ask that all drivers be aware of other vehicles traveling in both directions in the west lane.The Contractor will provide driveway access to all residents.

As the work moves into the west lane and closer to East Cliff Drive, the Contractor will have four flaggers controlling the flow of traffic around the work. Expect short delays as the flaggers guide traffic through the open east lane.

Thank you for your patience. Please feel free to call the project line with any questions at (831) 708-8285