Project Overview

The Santa Cruz County Sanitation District currently has a total of three aging pump stations on 14th Avenue, 15th Avenue, and 16th Avenue that have all reached the end of their useful service life.

This construction project will replace the existing 15th Avenue pump station and will install the associated piping needed to take the 14th and 16th Avenue pump stations permanently out of service. This is a necessary project to improve the reliability of the sewer system and help maintain a clean and safe beach environment well into the future.

Normal working hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays. Work involving heavy equipment or traffic control shall only be allowed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Residents in the area should expect construction noise, dust, equipment, traffic and delays during these working hours.

During certain phases of the project, construction will occur on portions of 14th Avenue, 15th Avenue, Blackpoint Lane, 16th Avenue, and Geoffroy Drive. During the construction working hours, occasional one-lane, two-way traffic control will be in place. The area will be subject to traffic delays of up to 15 minutes within the project limits. Residents will be able to access their homes at all times and access to businesses in the area will be maintained throughout each phase of construction. Emergency vehicle access will always be accommodated.

We understand this project will have an impact on the surrounding community, and appreciate your patience during construction. Although some inconvenience will be unavoidable, we will make our utmost effort to minimize the disruption caused by these construction activities.