Thursday, June 23, 2016

Project Clean Up & Slurry Seal

For the remainder of this week and beginning of next week, the Contractor will be completing miscellaneous items of work and clean-up tasks to complete the project. Final road resurfacing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 29th between the hours of 8am to 5pm.
Areas of Road Resurfacing

The slurry seal Contractor will be distributing notices to the areas affected by this work, as well as posting "no parking" signs ahead of the work. While the work is taking place, there will be no vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian access on the roads until the new surface has cured. Cure times will vary based on weather conditions, but may take as long as four hours to complete once placed.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Final Sewer Cleaning and Inspection

The Contractor will be performing final cleaning and inspection of the new sewer lines today. The crew will be performing work in all project areas so please drive carefully and follow the flaggers' instructions.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

East Cliff Drive Paving

The Contractor will be finishing the final section of new pavement in the westbound lane of the East Cliff Drive and 15th Avenue intersection today. The crew currently has the westbound and center lane closed with flaggers stationed at either end of the work area. Expect some short delays while heavy equipment moves around the work area. Please be cautious and follow the flaggers instructions.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Paving on Blackpoint Lane

The Contractor is beginning paving operations on Blackpoint Lane this morning. The new pavement is expected to be complete by the end of the day today. During the work, Blackpoint Lane will be closed to vehicle traffic. Residents are encouraged to park vehicles in the reserved parking area in the East Cliff Village parking lot and walk past the work zone.

Additionally, the Contractor will begin removing the existing pavement on 16th Avenue this morning.  Vehicle traffic is encouraged to use Geoffroy Drive to bypass the construction on 16th Avenue. The Contractor is expecting to place new pavement on 16th Avenue as soon as this afternoon.

Work is also continuing at the south end of 14th Avenue on the new grinder pump stations.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Paving Schedule Update

The Contractor has completed trench paving on 14th Avenue, and today will be starting paving on 15th Avenue. There will be no paving work for the remainder of the week. Paving work will resume on Tuesday, May 31st at Blackpoint Lane after the Memorial Day Holiday.

The Contractor will also continue lateral work at the end of 14th Avenue through the end of the week, and will continue abandonment and clean-up operations over the next couple of weeks throughout the project site.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Final Paving Beginning Soon

The Contractor brought their paving crew on-site this morning to mark and prepare for the final paving. The first phase of paving will begin on Tuesday morning at the south end of 14th Avenue and continue north towards East Cliff Drive. The paving crew will then move to 15th Avenue and work their way south toward the 15th Avenue pump station. This work is expected to be complete by the end of the day Wednesday.

The second phase of paving will take place Thursday and Friday and include work in the intersection of East Cliff Drive and 15th Avenue. During this work, the Contractor will be redirecting one lane of traffic into the center lane at a time.

The third and final phase of paving will take place Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and will include work on Blackpoint Lane, 16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive. We will update you with more information as it becomes available.

Additionally, the Contractor is continuing work on the 15th Avenue Pump Station control panel enclosure and replacing a water line at the end of 15th Avenue.

Thanks again for your continued cooperation in the final phases of the project!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Work at 15th Avenue and East Cliff Drive

The Contractor will be installing a new drop connection in the manhole at the 15th Avenue and East Cliff Drive intersection today. Expect a small crew working in the intersection.

Traffic in the west bound lane is being temporarily redirected into the center lane around the work area. Please proceed through the area with caution.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Upcoming Work at 15th Avenue and East Cliff Drive Intersection

Today, the Contractor will begin demolition of the 16th Avenue pump station. You will notice a small crew and some heavy equipment on the side of Geoffroy Drive during the demolition.

Next week, the Contractor will be working in the intersection of 15th Avenue and East Cliff Drive to install a drop connection for the new force main. During the work, the Contractor will have traffic control signs and cones set up. Please pay attention to the Contractor's instructions and be alert when driving near the construction.

The final section of concrete at the 15th Avenue pump station driveway was poured last Tuesday. The driveway will be reopened next Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Geoffroy Drive Update

Due to unforeseen issues, the Contractor actually began the manhole tie-ins on Geoffroy Drive yesterday with work continuing in to next week. Geoffroy Drive will be closed during the course of the work. Thru traffic will be able to access the south side of Geoffroy Drive via 16th Avenue.

The 15th Avenue pump station driveway restoration remains on schedule with work expected to be complete by the end of next week.

Thanks for your continued cooperation!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Geoffroy Drive and 15th Avenue Pump Station Driveway Work

The Contractor will begin the manhole tie-ins on Geoffroy Drive tomorrow morning and is expecting the work to be completed by the end of next week. Geoffroy Drive will be closed during the course of the work. Thru traffic will be able to access the south side of Geoffroy Drive via 16th Avenue.

The 15th Avenue pump station site restoration is progressing nicely with the new driveway currently being installed. The driveway is expected to be complete by the end of next week as well.

As always, feel free to call the project information line with any comments or questions.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27th Project Update

The Contractor will be removing plates and placing temporary pavement on Blackpoint Lane this morning. Vehicle access to Blackpoint Lane will be limited this morning while the work is completed.

After the Blackpoint Lane work is completed, the Contractor will be closing 16th Avenue this afternoon while the new manholes are tied in. Access will be maintained for residents inside the construction zone. Thru traffic connecting to the south end of 16th Avenue is encouraged to take Geoffroy Drive to bypass the construction zone. The Contractor expects this work to be complete by the end of this week.

Following the 16th Avenue tie-in, the Contractor will be tying in to the new manhole Geoffroy Drive.

Thanks for your continued patience!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Construction Update for Monday 4/25

The Contractor has completed the installation of the new sewer on Blackpoint Lane. The road will reopen later this afternoon once cleanup is complete. The final paving will be completed in a few weeks when the paving crew mobilizes to pave all project areas.

On Monday, the Contractor will return to Geoffroy Drive to complete the new sewer tie-in so the existing 16th Avenue pump station can be abandoned. This work will likely take the majority of the week to complete.

Please contact the project phone line if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Blackpoint Lane Gravity Sewer

The Contractor is returning to Blackpoint Lane to install the new gravity sewer line. Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and pedestrians at all times. Residents are strongly encouraged to use the temporary parking area provided at the end of Blackpoint Lane at the East Cliff Shopping Center.

Residential vehicular access will be available upon request, however, there may be a 15-30 minute delay so that the trench can be made safe for vehicular access.

Please feel free to contact the project phone line if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Limited Twin Lakes Beach Access

The Contractor is nearing the beach at the end of 14th Avenue while installing the new gravity sewer line. During the next few days, there will be limited access to Twin Lakes Beach through the gate at the end of 14th Avenue. The Contractor is asking that pedestrians wishing to access the beach wait near the gate until a crew member signals that it is safe to pass the open trench.

Please be mindful of the Contractor's crew as the delays are expected to be short.

Once the Contractor finishes installing the new line on 14th Avenue, work on the Blackpoint Lane sewer line will resume. Work could begin on Blackpoint Lane as soon as Monday.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Project Update

The Contractor will continue installing the new sewer on 14th Avenue through the beginning of next week. Once complete, they will move to Blackpoint Lane to complete the new sewer installation. Work on Blackpoint may begin as soon as Thursday, depending on progress on 14th Avenue. Advanced notice will be provided.

Restoration around the new 15th Avenue pump station will also continue next week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

14th Avenue Open Cut

This week the Contractor is continuing to install the new gravity sewer on 14th Avenue. This work is anticipated to continue through the end of this week and into next week.

Once 14th Avenue is complete, the Contractor will then return to the installation of the new gravity sewer on Blackpoint Lane. This work is tentatively scheduled for week of April 11, 2016.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Returning to 14th Avenue

The Contractor is expecting to finish work on 16th Avenue this afternoon. Beginning tomorrow, the Contractor will resume excavation on 14th Avenue for the new gravity line. The gravity line installation is expected to take at least a week depending on unforeseen conditions. Updates will be posted here as the schedule becomes more concrete.

During installation of the gravity line on 14th Avenue, the Contractor will be closing the west lane around the work area to vehicle traffic. The Contractor will be directing traffic through the shared east lane.

Thanks for your continued patience. Feel free to call the project information line with any questions or concerns at (831) 708-8285.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Backfilling on 16th Avenue

The Contractor is continuing to pull the shoring and backfill the pit on 16th Avenue today. They expect the pit to be completely backfilled by the end of the day tomorrow, but could finish as early as this afternoon. Additionally, the manhole on Geoffroy Drive will be tested today. Once the test has been passed, the Contractor can begin backfilling the manhole.

The Contractor plans to return to 14th Avenue this Thursday to continue excavating for the new gravity line. This gravity line is expected to take a couple of weeks to install. A more concrete schedule can be made once the work gets underway.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Schedule Update

After running into some unforeseen sight conditions, the Contractor has postponed work on the new gravity sewer line on 14th Avenue. The Contractor will finish installing the manholes on 16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive for the rest of this week and into the beginning of next week.

Beginning on Monday, the Contractor will be removing the shoring for the pit on 16th Avenue. During this phase of work, 16th Avenue will be closed for 3-24 hour days. Access will be maintained for all residents and the south side of 16th Avenue can be accessed by using Geoffroy Drive.

The Contractor will return to work on the 14th Avenue gravity line on Thursday of next week at the earliest. Once the gravity line is complete, work on Blackpoint Lane will resume.

Thanks for your continued cooperation and patience!

Monday, March 14, 2016

14th Avenue Gravity Sewer Installation

The Contractor started excavating on 14th Avenue for the new gravity sewer line this morning. The new gravity line is expected to be installed by the end of next week. During installation, the Contractor will be closing the west lane around the work area to vehicle traffic. The Contractor will be directing traffic through the shared east lane.

The Contractor will also be installing the new manholes on 16th Avenue. The street will continue to be closed during the work. Residents are encouraged to use Geoffroy Drive to access the south end of 16th Avenue.

Thanks for your continued patience. Feel free to call the project information line with any questions or concerns at (831) 708-8285.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Manhole Work on Blackpoint, 14th Ave, 16th Ave, and Geoffroy

Due to the weather conditions, the Contractor is unable to proceed with the open cut sewer work on Blackpoint Lane. They are however still able to perform manhole work on Blackpoint Lane, as well as various other locations on the project. Expect localized closures at the manhole locations through the end of the week.

The Contractor is also continuing work on the new generator pad at the 15th Avenue Pump Station.

The Contractor will resume open cut operations on Blackpoint Lane when weather conditions allow. Potentially the end of next week or the week of March 21st.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Open Cut on Blackpoint

The Contractor is installing the open cut portion of the sewer on Blackpoint Lane. Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and pedestrians at all times. Residents are strongly encouraged to use the temporary parking area provided at the end of Blackpoint Lane at the East Cliff Shopping Center.

Residential vehicular access will be available upon request, however, there may be a 15-30 minute delay so that the trench can be made safe for vehicular access.

Please feel free to contact the project phone line if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Upcoming Manhole Installation

The PTMT subcontractor finished installing the last PTMT drive on Thursday of last week

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the Contractor will be on Blackpoint Lane to install the new manhole. During the work, the road will be closed to vehicles. Access will be maintained for pedestrians and emergency vehicles. Residents are encouraged to park in the provided parking area at East Cliff Village to minimize delays.

Beginning next Monday, March 7th, the open cut sewer installation will begin on Blackpoint Lane and continue throughout the week, weather permitting.

The Contractor will also be installing the new manholes on 14th, 16th, and Geoffroy Drive throughout this week. The 15th Avenue pump station demolition will continue this week as well.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Microtunneling on 16th and Geoffroy Drive

The PTMT subcontractor began installing the gravity sewer line between 16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive yesterday. The line is expected to be complete by Friday of this week.

During the work, 16th Avenue will continue to be closed to through traffic. The west lane of Geoffroy Drive will also be closed while the subcontractor installs the sewer line. The Contractor will have a flagger directing traffic through the east lane. Drivers trying to access 16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive should expect some short delays while traffic shares the east lane.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free the call the project line at (831) 708-8285.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Extended Working Hours - 16th & Blackpoint

The Contractor is on target to install the new sewer pipe tomorrow (2/19/16) from 16th Avenue to Blackpoint Lane. This is a continuous process that cannot be stopped until completed. Therefore, the County has authorized extended working hours of 7am to 7pm for tomorrow only on this drive. 16th Avenue will continue to have a detour in place, and Blackpoint Lane residents are strongly encouraged to use the provided parking area at East Cliff Village to minimize impacts and delays.

On Monday, the Contractor will begin the final trenchless pipeline installation from 16th Avenue to Geoffroy Drive, and is anticipated to be complete with the PTMT work by the end of next week.

Please feel free to contact the project phone line if you have any questions or concerns.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Upcoming Microtunneling on Blackpoint Lane and 16th Avenue

After the holiday weekend, the Contractor will be setting up the microtunneling equipment in the 16th Avenue jacking pit on Tuesday in preparation for installing the trenchless gravity sewer between 16th Avenue and Blackpoint Lane beginning on Wednesday. 16th Avenue will be closed to through traffic.

During the microtunneling, Blackpoint Lane will have limited access. A resident parking area will be provided in the East Cliff Village parking lot. Residents are strongly encouraged to park in this area to minimize delays. Please note that vehicular access can be provided upon request, but that it will likely require 15-20 delay to ensure a safe access is available.Pedestrian and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.

This work is expected to be completed Friday 2/19 or Monday 2/22. The last day of work, the Contractor may require extended working hours from 7am to 7pm.

Once the new sewer is installed to Blackpoint, Installation will begin from 16th Avenue to Geoffroy Drive.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

15th to 14th Avenue Work - 7pm Working hours

Today the Contractor began installing the clay sewer pipe. As described in the notice that was distributed, this process is continuous, and therefore the County has approved extended working hours to 7pm so that they may complete this portion of the work. This is the only day work is expected to extend beyond the normal 5pm working hours for microtunneling for this drive.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Trenchless Installation 15th Avenue to 14th Avenue

The trenchless (PTMT) subcontractor mobilized on site today. They will be installing the pipe from the 15th Avenue jacking pit to the 14th Avenue receiving pit, which means there will be localized closures at both 15th Avenue and 14th Avenue for the remainder of the week.

The Contractor is also continuing to finish the preparations on 16th Avenue over the next couple days. The next segment of trenchless installation is anticipated to be 16th Avenue to Blackpoint Lane beginning next Tuesday, February 16th. Monday, February 15th is a holiday.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Upcoming PTMT Work

The Contractor is working on the 16th Avenue jacking shaft today and is expecting to finish the remaining preparation work on Monday. The Pilot Tube Microtunneling subcontractor will arrive on Monday to begin installing the new gravity sewer between 14th and 15th Avenue.

During the gravity sewer installation, most of the work will take place in the jacking pit at the end of 15th Avenue. Later next week, the receiving shaft on 14th Avenue may need to be accessed which will close one lane of the road. More details will be provided as the schedule becomes more concrete.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Jacking Pit Excavation and 15th Avenue Pump Station Start Up

The Contractor continued excavating and placing shoring at the 15th and 16th Avenue jacking pits today. Excavation activities are expected to continue on 15th Avenue through Wednesday and on 16th Avenue until Friday. The Contractor will be closing 16th Avenue to through traffic for the duration of the work.

Start up and testing of the 15th Avenue pump station is scheduled to begin tomorrow.

Thanks for your continued cooperation! Feel free to call the project information line at (831) 708-8285 with any questions or concerns.

Friday, January 29, 2016

16th Avenue Excavation

The Contractor began excavation of the 16th Avenue jacking pit today. The street will be closed during the work but Geoffroy Drive can be used as a detour.

The Contractor is also cleaning up the streets in preparation for the rain and weekend. Excavation activities will resume on Monday.

Thanks for your continued patience and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Blackpoint Lane and 14th Avenue

The Contractor completed drilling on Blackpoint Lane today. They will return tomorrow between 10am and 2pm to finish the preparation of the receiving pit.

In the meantime, the drillers will move to 14th Avenue to begin drilling the receiving pit. Again working hours are 7:30am to 5:00pm with heavy equipment operation between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

Additionally, PG&E is scheduled to be on site tomorrow to bring in power to the new 15th Avenue pump station.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blackpoint Lane Receiving Pit Excavation

The Contractor is wrapping up work on 16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive this afternoon and will begin work on Blackpoint Lane Wednesday morning. The receiving shaft on Blackpoint Lane is expected to be complete by the end of the day Wednesday.

Blackpoint Lane will be closed during the installation of the receiving pit. Cars will be unable to bypass the work zone, but pedestrian and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.

Once the Blackpoint Lane receiving shaft is complete, the Contractor will begin work on the 14th Avenue receiving shaft, likely Thursday.

Please call the project line at (831) 708-8285, if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, January 25, 2016

16th Avenue and Geoffroy Drive Excavation

The Contractor is continuing to install the shoring piles on 16th Avenue, which is expected to be complete by the end of the day today. The Contractor plans to move to Geoffroy Drive on Tuesday to begin installing the receiving pit.

Geoffroy Drive will be closed while the receiving pit is being installed. Access will be maintained for residents inside the construction zone. Thru traffic connecting to the south end of Geoffroy Drive is encouraged to take 16th Avenue to bypass the construction zone.

Once the Geoffroy Drive work is complete, the Contractor intends to begin work on Blackpoint Lane beginning on Wednesday. Work will then move to 14th Avenue once Blackpoint Lane is complete, likely Thursday.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call the project line at (831) 708-8285.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Rain Today

Due to the rain, there will be no work on the PTMT pits today. The Contractor will return to 16th Avenue on Monday January 25, 2016 to continue drilling for the pit shoring.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Upcoming Pile Installation on 16th Avenue

The Contractor's pit excavation subcontractor is finishing up placing the piles on the 15th Avenue  this afternoon and will begin excavating the pit on 16th Avenue tomorrow morning. The Contractor will be temporarily closing 16th Avenue around the excavation.

Expect a small crew with heavy equipment and large beams moving around the work zone.

Access will be maintained for residents inside the construction zone. Thru traffic connecting to the south end of 16th Avenue is encouraged to take Geoffroy Drive to bypass the construction zone.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call the project information line at (831) 708-8285

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Micro Tunneling Pit Excavation Update

The Contractor is not working today due to the rainy conditions, but installation of the PTMT pits is expected to begin tomorrow, January 20th. Work will begin at the end of 15th Avenue. After work on 15th Avenue is complete, the Contractor will move on to 16th Avenue.

Expect a small crew with heavy equipment moving around the end of 15th Avenue. There may be some short traffic delays, but access for all residents will be maintained.

Additionally, notices about the micro tunneling work schedule were distributed last week to residents of 14th, 15th, and 16th Avenue as well as Geoffroy Drive and Blackpoint Lane. A copy of the notice can be found by clicking the "PTMT Schedule" tab at the top of the page.

Please feel free to contact the project line at (831) 708-8285 with any questions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Rain and Schedule Update

With the heavy rain this week and rain predicted next week, construction operations will be minimal other than minor work at the new 15th Avenue Pump Station. Depending on the weather, excavation of the pits for the trenchless sewer installation will begin at the end of next week. A more detailed summary of work will be provided shortly.